About Florida Land Judging
Land Judging is an exciting 4-H and FFA contest in which Middle and High School students observe and interpret the soil in order to make wise land use decisions. Students can compete at the county, state, and national levels. Go here for introductory videos.
Local Contest
Student must first compete in a local contest for their county hosted or coordinated by their local Soil and Water Conservation District (click here for contacts) These contests occur in the fall and spring prior to the state contest. In each class (Middle 4-H, High 4-H, Middle FFA, High FFA) the county winner may compete at the state contest in that respective class. Special accommodations must be made for counties where there is no local contest, or where there is only one team in a particular class. Click here for more detail.
State Contest
This contest changes location each year. Winning teams from each participating county will compete against other. Past contest results and pictures are located here. The contest is held the last Friday of March.
National Contest
Top placing teams in the state contest are eligible to compete at the National Land Judging Contest held at the end of April. The contest rules are different from the local and state contests. Please visit www.landjudging.com for more information. In the past, FFA and 4-H have sponsored the first place teams travel to the National Contest.
Please note: the state contest is not affiliated with the national contest.
Policies for Florida Land Judging
The State Land Judging Committee has authored the following policies to govern Land Judging in Florida: Policy Preface | Eligibility for the State Contest | Awards and Expenses | Scorecards Grading | Other