Highlands Soil and Water Conservation District
2014 Contest | Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 | Homesite
Field 1 - Myakka
Field 1 was located on a poorly drained flatwoods landform with predominantly upland and facultative-wet vegetation. The soil series is Myakka (Florida's state soil). Some important soil characteristics:
- Topsoil: 3-6 in thick, sandy texture
- Depth to seasonal high water table: 14 in
- Depth to spodic horizon: 24 in
- Spodic horizon texture: sandy, strongly cemented
- Soil permeability: spodic horizon was slowly permeable due to strong cementation
Ellis offers a quick guide for this soil (runtime 10 min):
Download for offline viewing: Field1.mp4 (126 mb).